Our mission is simple: to help SME and recruitment agency owners transform their people challenges into business success. We believe that when you align your business and personal goals with values, personal development and accountability extraordinary things happen.  

Emily is a HR Expert, Performance Coach and Recruitment Industry Specialist

Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Karpman’s Drama Triangle Part Three - The Persecutor

Karpman’s Drama Triangle - Part Three, The Persecutor

And finally the persecutor. In the drama triangle the persecutor is the one that is often feared by the victim and pacified by the rescuers.

The persecutor is the one that will attack and keep going until they get what they want - they keep the victim oppressed and will criticise the rescuer.

Without judgement this behaviour is likely coming from a place for fear and is a stress response - the fight response.

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