Our mission is simple: to help SME and recruitment agency owners transform their people challenges into business success. We believe that when you align your business and personal goals with values, personal development and accountability extraordinary things happen.  

Emily is a HR Expert, Performance Coach and Recruitment Industry Specialist

Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

The burden of leadership

One of the most transformative steps you can take as a business owner is to seek out the support of a trusted coach, consultant, and advisor. Someone who can provide an outside perspective, challenge your assumptions, and help you break free from the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Unmasking Imposter Syndrome

Discover how mastering your nervous system can transform you from a self-doubting leader into a confident change-maker. Let’s unmask imposter syndrome together to clear the path to stronger leadership skills.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Is the weight of the world on your shoulders?

Do you ever feel like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders?

Feel like you are always the strong one holding it together for all around you?

I see this most days in my coaching practice. Talented business owners, putting themselves under huge pressure and just barely holding it together.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Fake It No More: A Deep Dive into Imposter Thoughts

The most successful leaders aren't just skilled at business strategy or operations. They skillfully manage their inner landscape - mastering emotions, managing mindsets and energising attitudes.

Make no mistake - this inner work is hard. But it unlocks exponential impact when done with courage and commitment.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Are you a self-sabotager?

"I don't deserve to be highly successful. If I achieve big goals and dreams, something bad will happen."

Can you relate even a little bit? This fear manifesting as procrastination was robbing Lucy of happiness and potential rewards for her talents.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Do you struggle with managing difficult business conversations?

Many successful entrepreneurs and business leaders have brilliant ideas and make outstanding contributions - but have difficulty articulating their value during tense discussions. They may also dwell on negative feedback while struggling to internally recognise their own strengths.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Is Your Business Stalling Because Of Fear?

My 1:1, 30-Day Breakthrough Intensive Coaching equips you to expand consciously into your growth zone with compassion - not criticism - as your guide.

We heal the roots of hesitation holding you back. We nurture the motivation, mindset and momentum that converts goals into reality one step at a time.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Ways That We Can Work Together

Growth doesn't have to be a solo journey. As a coach and consultant who has helped dozens of business owners overcome both practical and mindset obstacles, I wanted to share the personalised 1:1 services I offer to help you reach the next level.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Do You Feel Like Your Business Controls You?

When you first started your business, you likely had a vision of being your own boss. No more long hours pleasing a relentless corporate overseer. Hello freedom and flexibility to work when and how you want!

But somewhere along the way, things changed.

What started as a passion project you couldn't wait to work on has turned into a taskmaster.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Uncovering Hidden Gems Through 1:1 Coaching

“I’m happy for about 5% of the time. I dread my endless to-do list every time I open my laptop now. I snap at my kids when they interrupt client calls. I pour so much energy solving other people’s’ problems that I collapse at the end of every day, too depleted to enjoy the rewards of my work. I took on debt and killed myself striving for this dream business. Now that I’m here - I realise the daily realities I created are crushing my soul.”

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

‘Just Get On With It …’

We’ve all gotten well-meaning advice at times that boil down to “just get on with it.” Just overcome your doubts and put yourself out there. Just stop procrastinating and sitting on the couch. Just ignore that inner voice telling you that you’re an imposter and push forward anyway.

While the intent behind this kind of advice may be good, the problem is it can trivialise very real barriers that hold many people back. Telling someone to force themselves to do something despite paralysing self-doubt or intense anxiety often has the opposite effect - it reinforces those feelings of shame and worthlessness.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Set Boundaries Before Reaching Breaking Point

It took reaching my own breaking point to realise I still bought into toxic hustle culture lies: needing to say yes to everything to prove my worth and value.It wasn’t a skill problem but a mindset problem rooted in my fear of disappointing others and sending the (false) signal that I don’t care enough about my business by – gasp – having a life.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Is Imposter Syndrome Driving Your Burnout?

Burnout has become an epidemic problem in workplaces across all industries. In fact I would say that probably most of my clients last week alone said they were feeling burnt out.

If you're one of the countless professionals battling chronic exhaustion and diminished engagement, it's important to examine the roots behind your relentless work habits.

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Let’s work together
